Friday, 21 September 2018


I'm so excited to reveal how the Hollie and Figgs animation is progressing. Maisie Grant my animator has been sending me animated videos showing the progress, on a weekly basis.

Before starting the work, Maisie emailed me and highlighted the animation process. She said,
"Just to give you an idea as we've not really discussed in detail, here's a list of the processes I'll work through, which I will update you on at each stage for you to review, in order to create a final animation that you are happy with: 
- Storyboard

- Animatic (A slightly more detailed storyboard with the music added to give you an idea of the timing of the animation - this will be the best opportunity to make changes based on your feedback before I start to animate)

- Animation & Colour
- Final Editing
I would estimate the whole process would take between 6-10 weeks to complete depending on the number of changes made throughout etc. "

Maisie plans to use Adobe Animate CC, and I will then be using Adobe After Effects to edit it all together.

So in a short period of time, the whole Hollie and Figgs animation will be finished and the music added.

Maisie and I set up a contract that we were both happy with and then she started work.

I sent her the lyrics to the theme tune so she could create an animation that would fit them. I envisaged a cute animation showcasing Hollie and Figgs friendship and their magical journey. And that is just what she sent me. Take a look at the storyboard. It's even better than I envisaged.
Click on the videos below to see the Hollie and Figgs animation storyboard unfold.

Here are only a few of the animatic videos. There are ten animatic scenes completing the one-minute animation. I will share the rest in the next Hollie and Figgs Animation- Post 3.
It's all coming along great thanks to Maisie! She's already added colour and more movement and I can't wait to show you how it's progressing. It will certainly be very special and something to be proud of. And when the music is added it will definitely come to life and I'm sure that anyone who watches it will be extremely impressed.
Let me know your thoughts so far. 

Maisie Grant is a motion graphic designer and animator. She can be contacted at her email address:

Her new Instagram page is
There you can see some of her amazing animations.

Otherwise, check out her website


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